| So here's my thing - I usually find artists who don't draw superheroes and get them to draw one I find for them - the more obscure the better. The end result is often amazing. I give them a comic as source material, then leave them alone so their imagination and creativity can run wild.
Here are some of the convention sketches I've gotten over the last 10 years. Some names you'll recognize, others not. Most were $5-20 (some higher). There are some very talented artists below. If you like their style, why not contact them for a commission? [PS - These aren't really "for sale" - but of course offers will be considered.]
PS - I'm Mike. |
Amelia Altavena Legion of Super Pets (Watercolor) APE 2010 Contact Amelia
Arthur Adams Black Canary ComicCon
Art Baltazar Tiny Titans - Ice Cream* ComicCon 2008
- Tiny Titans ComicCon 2008 (drawn on Gen13 comic) Contact Art
D. Bethel The Beast APE 2010 Contact D.
Jesse Baggs Spider-Man APE 2009 Contact Jesse
Gabriel "Gabo" Bautista - Set of 3 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Drawings* APE 2013 Contact Gabriel
Wardell Brown Leaf Elf* ComicCon 2005 Contact Wardell
Junior Bruce Colossal Boy APE 2009 Contact JB
- Thor, Mr. Hyde & The Cobra WonderCon 2011
Jacob Chabot Alien Lois & Elastic Lass ComicCon 2008 Contact Jacob
- Puck
- Wolverine & Sabertooth WonderCon 2009 (drawn on X-Men comic)
David Colman Space Dog*WonderCon 2006 Contact David
- Tinkerbell * WonderCon 2006
Katie Cook Black Canary & Hawkman WonderCon 2008 Contact Katie
- Deadpool *
- Lord of the Rings on Sketchbook ComicCon
- Series of four drawings ComicCon
Jason T. Kruse Superman* APE 2013 Contact Jason
Dennis Culver 3 Sketches (Marvel Girl, Two-Face, The Thing* APE 2011-Big Wow 2013 Contact Dennis
Amelia Davis Batgirl* Big Wow 2014 Contact Amelia
Megan Elizabeth Max APE 2012
Cat Farris Batwoman & Bat-Mite APE 2010 Contact Cat
Norman Felchle Kid vs Giant Squash 2006 Contact Norman
Chris Fenoglio Krypto chasing Flash! (Watercolor) APE 2012 Contact Chris
J. Tara Ford Vision & Skrull (Watercolor) APE 2011 Contact Tara
Franco - Power Man and Iron Fist* ComicCon 2008 Contact Franco
- Catwoman ComicCon 2008
Chris Giarrusso Sandman vs The Angel 2007 Contact Chris
- Silver Surfer & Fantastic Four 2009
- Negative Man WonderCon 2008
- Cat-Man & The Kitten* (digital color by me) ComicCon 2003
- Elastic Lad (Jimmy Olsen) * WonderCon 2006
Sam Glanzman Haunted Tank
Emo Gonzales Emonic APE 2007 Contact Emo
Mike Hampton Human Firefly* Big Wow 2014 Contact Mike
- Spider-Man*
- Wolverine Toast*
Travis Hansen - Antman* APE 2013 Contact Travis
Matt Harding Sentinel* Big Wow 2013 Contact Matt
John "Bean" Hastings Thingee gets his Art on San Jose Comic Thing 2010
Tom Hodges The Spectre APE 2010 Contact Tom
House of Doodle Kryptonion Thought Monster * (Watercolor) Big Wow 2014 Contact HOD
- Sub-Mariner & Flash* Big Wow 2014
Anson Jew - Hellboy* Supercon 2008 Contact Anson
Eric Jones Triplicate Girl ComicCon 2006 Contact Eric
- Werewolf Comics in the Classroom 2004
Leigh Kellogg Isis SuperCon 2008 Contact Leigh
Xander Kent Loki APE 2011 Contact Xander
Jim Kilpatrick X-Men* Contact Jim
Rich Koslowski Ferro Lad vs. Validus San Jose Comic Thing 2010 Contact Rich
- Hawkman and Star Spangled Kid* WonderCon 2008
Vincent Kukua Savage Dragon eats Hamburger (Watercolor) APE 2010 Contact Vincent
Taik Lee Marvel Girl APE 2007 Contact Taik
Steve Lieber Kamandi WonderCon 2008 Contact Steve
Chris Marrinan Batman* WonderCon 2006 Contact Chris
Angel Medina Ant-Man* WonderCon 2005 Contact Angel
Lord Mesa Karnak & Medusa SuperCon 2007 Contact Lord
-Phoenix & Wolverine WonderCon 2009
Brian Morante Hulk APE 2008
Philip Moy The Huntress ComicCon 2005 Contact Phil
Todd Nauck Beast Boy* ComicCon 2005 Contact Todd
Rafael Navarro Wolverine Captain America & Deadpool SuperCon 2009 Contact Rafael
Shelli Paradine Thor APE 2008 Contact Shelli
Jeff Parker Catwoman ComicCon 2003 Contact Jeff
Nate Powell Dr Fate & The Spectre APE 2008 Contact Nate
- Iron Man, Ant-Man & Wasp APE 2007
Brad Rader Catwoman vs Huntress 2007 Contact Brad
Trina Robbins Mary Marvel (digital color by me) WonderCon 2005 Contact Trina
Jimmie Robinson Evil and Malice SuperCon 2006
Tone Rodriguez Wolverine & Storm* Big Wow2012 Contact Tone
Steve Rude Starman Hijinx 2004 Contact Steve
Mike Ryan Icarus 2004
Joel Sigua - Phoenix* APE 2013 Contact Joel
Elle Skinner Legion of Super Heroes Contact Elle
- Saturn Girl & Lightning Lad (Watercolor) APE 2013
- Princess Projectra & Cosmic Boy APE 2012
Elle Skinner Legion of Substitute Heroes
- Polar Boy & Firelad WonderCon 2011
- Night Girl & Chlorophyll Kid WonderCon 2010
- Color Kid & Stone Boy APE 2010
- Infectious Lass WonderCon 2011
Elle Skinner Owl and Robin WonderCon 2010
Paul Slaboda Ant-Man with Ants APE 2008
Scott Shaw Cat-Man Golden State Comic-Con 2005 Contact Scott
Ryan Sook Supergirl Big Wow Comic Fest 2012 Contact Ryan
Ryan Sook & Mick Gray Hawkman 2004 Contact Ryan Contact Mick
Ken Steacy Captain Midnight ComicCon 2006
James Vining Beppo the Super-Monkey APE 2007 Contact James
Chris Wooten Wonder Woman* (Watercolor) APE 2013 Contact Chris
- Wonder Woman (preliminary roughs 1 and 2)*
Unknown Hulk Love You + Robin (Watercolor) APE 2011*
* = Sketch was posted August, 2014.
Notes: Some of the above were not commissions, but were at the artist's booth or in their portfolio and were so cool I had to get them. Jacob Chabot's Puck, for example, was too adorable to pass up. The small Katie Cook drawings, Owl Man and Robin by Elle Skinner, and Franco's drawings also fall in this caegory. Vincent Kukua was halfway through Savage Dragon when I came across it and offered to buy it from him, so not exactly a commission. Similarly, the X-Men drawing was in Jim Kirkpatrick's sketchbook and I just about died. What an amazing piece. Here's a version of the Arthur Adams Black Canary that I digitally colored. Jeff Parker's Catwoman is the first sketch I ever commisioned. Worth it, no? Thanks to Marvel, DC and Image for occasionally printing comics with mostly white covers. (and for having cool superheroes). Did you know that the term "superhero"™ is a trademark jointly owned by both Marvel and DC?

